Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Time to get back to vlogging

I know I know, I've promised this a million times before, but this time I mean it. *cough* I'm going to try to mean it.

I've missed it and believe it or don't, people have missed me *cue head swelling*. Life has just been so crazy these past few months...

So, I'm heading to the coast for some R&R this weekend and I'm going to make out my weekly schedule. One I'm hoping to stick to. And I'm going to stick vlogging on there at least once a week (if not two because hey, I'm a narcissist).

But how do you juggle it all, grocery shopping, dinner cooking, writing, editing, formatting, designing book covers,*takes deep breath* kickboxing, chillin', cleaning, networking, marketing, blogging, vlogging, going to kids soccer games, music gigs, Netflixing, hanging out with BF, hanging out with girlfriends, hanging out with kids?

Huh? How?

Yeah, schedule.

We'll see if that works.

For now, writing is being set aside in order to get my novel Dissected out into the world. I'm very excited. I was going for an early April release, but realistically, I think late April would be better. For my sanity.

How the hell do you squeeze in everything you do? I don't even work full time and I still don't seem to find the time to do it all.

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