Friday, September 14, 2012

F³A: 2nd Rejection

This is the kind of rejection I can take. A nice one. One that gives feedback.

She didn't like my main character. She was too...bitchy.

The scene in the teen psyche ward was too heavy.

She did say I'm a talented writer. So there's that. I think I'll try a few more agents while I'm working on revisions of An Unbalanced Line and if I get no bites I'll work on another revision.

What are you working on right now? Get any good rejections you want to share?

Okay, Friday Scribbles
Next Pandora Song (the one on right now I hate, I'll need to "thumbs down it"):
Muse Uprising
Book of the Week: The Belly Fat Diet By John Chatham. I read it for a job interview. I liked it. I'm trying it.

Movie of the Week: Snow White and the Huntsman. I've not seen it, but I'm wanting to and it just came out on DVD.

Quote of the Week: A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.  ~ "Bo Bennett"

Happy Friday!


  1. I can't imagine a scene in a teen psyche ward that wouldn't be heavy :P

    Working on: The first in a sci-fi trilogy with telekinesis and superheroes.

    Good Rejection: ABNA results this year. Both of my reviewers gave me sparkling reviews, said they wanted to read more, but I didn't make it to the next round.

  2. Oooh, sci-fi trilogy. I have a trilogy with superpowers too. Awesome!

    Sounds like the book you entered in the contest has a lot of promise! Keep at it.

  3. MUSE! I love this song. Great album, very ...triumphant? I dunno, I'm not good at describing music.

    Keep pounding the pavement with those queries. You are a talented writer and unless you suddenly lost some zip off your fastball (doubt it) it's just a matter of time before you find the right agent for your story.

    As for me, I'm still plugging away at my lighthouse/cancer story. With two kids and a wife on maternity leave I'm lucky if I write 2,000 words a week. But I'm hoping to have it ready for rejection by the end of 2013 :)

  4. Yes, it does have a triumphant feel to it. I think it's a very good description.

    Keep going Chris. I know it's sometimes hard to find the time, but we have to in order to get there.

    Go for it and get those rejections. lol. Every no is one step closer to a yes!!


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